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Monday, March 31, 2008

I Woke Up Ms. Sleepy!

As I stated in my last post, "Let's Talk About The Law Guardian" it has been extremely difficult to invoke any type of response from her office. Although my case has already been settled (Oh...the stories I have about getting to that point) Ms. Sleepy was left on the case for one year from the date of settlement,which is rapidly approaching. The allegations of sexual abuse against Snake did not come to light until months after the settlement.

According to my Order of Custody and Visitation, once Cruella secures suitable housing, which she did in January of this year, (thanks to our tax dollars) her bi-weekly Saturday and Sunday daytime visits graduate to Friday night to Sunday night full weekend visits and Snake lives in the house with her. With unsupervised, overnight visits for Cruella with the children lurking around the corner; I'm sure that you can only imagine my frustration.

This is the last letter that I wrote to Ms. Sleepy and "low and behold", I got a response!

Regular Guy

100 Anywhere Road

Mytown, New York 12345

(999) 867-5309

February 15, 2008

VIA FAX TO: (999) 999-999

Bertha B. Sleepy, Esq.

Dead End Street

Nowhereville, New York 11111

In re: Sam, Daisey and Princess

Dear Ms. Sleepy:

I must say that I am quite disappointed that I still have not heard back from your office regarding my most recent letter to you (dated 1/31/08). A copy of same is attached for your review. I am sure that you are very busy and I intend no disrespect, however my children’s welfare and safety are at risk. Please be advised of the following:

  • On Thursday night, 1/31/08 Snake was questioned by investigators Columbo and Caine.
  • Snake actually admitted to a portion of the allegations made against him by his sister Lilly.
  • The investigators believe that he would have admitted to more; however the interview was interrupted by a frantic phone call from Cruella instructing Snake to stop talking.
  • The next day an anonymous report was filed with CPS stating that Rocco “smokes crack in front of his daughter Lilly”. (a blatant lie)
  • As I’m sure that you are aware, CPS must investigate all reports. The CPS investigator handling this case is Eliza Tumee.
  • I spoke at length with Ms. Tumee about the background of my case and Rocco’s and expressed to her that I am 100 percent sure that this is yet another one of Cruella’s retaliatory, fraudulent reports.

Everyone that I have spoken to, both personally and professionally is in agreement with me in that my children should not be exposed to Snake at all and most certainly not overnight. I expect that as my children’s Law Guardian, you will be looking into all of this and help me to protect my children. Cruella is not a stable person and will stop at nothing to cover up the truth including exposing my children to an admitted sexual deviant and known drug abuser. If Cruella is to continue her visitation with the children, I need to see the proof that she is maintaining her therapy and medications as per the Court Order. This is my second request. Please forward to me immediately any and all written documentation from her doctor confirming her compliance with the Court Order. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.


Regular Guy

The short response: Cruella still has visitation but no "overnights" until all of this is resolved. Oh...and she's not allowed to leave the kids alone with Snake anymore either!

Signed, Regular Guy

Friday, March 28, 2008

Let's Talk About The Law Guardian

In any custody battle, a Law Guardian is appointed for the children. He/She is the children's advocate, basically their own personal attorney, independent of both parents and their attorneys. It is the Law Guardian's job to make sure that the children's best interests are paramount throughout all court proceedings and typically should remain on the case for one year after it is settled.

Unfortunately you don't get to choose your children's Law Guardian. Although you do have the right to request a new one if you are unhappy with the one that was dealt to your children, you just never know what the next card in the deck is going to be, not to mention the fact that the court frowns upon these types of requests and may look at you as if you are just trying to be difficult. Your request very well may be denied and now you have to live with the one that you have just offended.

I chose to stick with the hand that I was dealt and basically had to do her job for her by documenting everything and just bombarding her with information that she could not ignore, although she certainly did try. I just wasn't havin' it!

This is a copy of one of the many letters that I've sent to the Law Guardian.

Regular Guy

100 Anywhere Road

Mytown, New York 12345

(999) 867-5309

January 31, 2008

VIA FAX TO: (999) 999-999

Bertha B. Sleepy, Esq.

Dead End Street

Nowhereville, New York 11111

In re: Sam, Daisey and Princess

Dear Ms. Sleepy:

I received a telephone call from Chipper at your office on 1/23/08 at approximately 9:30 am. She advised me that you were in receipt of my letter dated 1/17/08. She also advised me that Cruella was coming in that afternoon to meet with you in regard to starting overnight visits with the children. She asked me several questions about the allegations of sexual abuse that have been made against my children’s half brother Snake who lives with Cruella. I answered her questions and also gave her the telephone number to reach Investigator Columbo, who is leading this investigation. At the end of our conversation she said, “I’ll keep you posted.”

I have not heard back from your office since then, and I have left two messages. I would like to know the outcome of your meeting with Cruella as her next scheduled visitation is this weekend; and would like to bring your attention to the following:

  • On 1/23/08 Cruella came to my house for a scheduled Wednesday afternoon visit with the children. She was 15 minutes late picking them up and 15 minutes late dropping them off. (Please see attached letter to Cruella dated 1/23/08)
  • At the conclusion of said visit, my daughter Daisy informed me that they were late coming home because; “ The potatoes weren’t ready, so we had to eat meatloaf in the car on the way home and we had to stop at CVS to get Snake a magazine and I was freezing because Mommy had the window open the whole time.”
  • At therapy, the next evening the children informed both the therapist and myself that according to their mother, they are definitely sleeping over her house on their next visit and that she has been waiting to celebrate Christmas with them until they can finally sleep over. I get the same story every single time they see or talk to Cruella.
  • I have asked Cruella on more than one occasion to please forward me her new mailing address, (also part of the court order) but I get no response.
On 1/30/08 Cruella came to my house for her next scheduled Wednesday afternoon visit. She had not spoken to the children since her last visit. She arrived 10 minutes early to pick them up and brought them home 35 minutes late. My son Sam called me at 7:40 pm from Cruella’s cell phone, at which point they were already 10 minutes late, to let me know that: “Mommy forgot her purse at her house so we had to turn around because she needs gas.”

Based on these and countless other observations, I find it hard to believe that Cruella is maintaining her therapy and medications. Cruella’s personality disorder is chronic, pervasive and lifelong. You will be off this case in August of this year and it is ultimately my responsibility to make sure that when my children are with Cruella that they are in as healthy an environment as possible. You specifically told me at our last meeting on 1/14/08 that Cruella had supplied you with proof that she is in fact in regular therapy and maintaining her medications as per the court order. Therefore, I respectfully request that you forward that proof to me immediately. Thank you.

Very truly yours,

Regular Guy

I did not get any response to this for almost two weeks, so I wrote her another with just a little bit of a stronger tone.

Signed, Regular Guy

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Who Should Supervise Cruella’s Visits With The Children?

Initially Judge Johnson ordered that Cruella’s sister Dizzie supervise Cruella’s visits with the kids. As mentioned in my first post “My Story”, that really didn’t work out so well and I will give you a full post on that one at another time; I promise!

Cruella had to be supervised professionally after that little episode but unfortunately that didn’t last very long due to the fact that the County was footing the bill and, well, Cruella didn’t actually try to kill anyone during the one hour she had with the children once a week so she was off the program after a little less than three months.

So, Cruella’s adoptive mother, Big Cruella petitioned the court to be named supervisor and here are her qualifications:

Mytown Grandmother To Be Sentenced Next Month


A Mytown grandmother faces six months in jail after admitting she stole almost $5,000 while serving as the court-appointed guardian of a retired lawyer who was left brain-damaged and partially blind after a car crash.

Big Cruella Clampett, 62, pleaded guilty to third-degree grand larceny in the theft, the Mytown County District Attorney's Office announced yesterday.

The victim in the case — 66-year-old Dora Poppel of Mytown — said Clampett deserved no mercy at her scheduled sentencing next month.

"She stole too much money," Poppel said. "She should have to go to jail."

As part of her guilty plea last week, Clampett also agreed to pay $3,150 to the Mytown Historical Society to settle uncharged allegations in another case involving missing antique furniture from the estate of former Mytown Town Historian Debbie Johanson, District Attorney Kevin Bacon said.

Johanson, who died in 1997, was among three aging and incapacitated women for whom Clampett was appointed guardian during the late 1990s. A September 2004 report by The Mytown News revealed how the women's assets dwindled under Clampett, who from the start ignored state rules requiring that she regularly account for their money and property.

Two months after that report, a state judge looking into Poppel's affairs ruled that Clampett improperly spent more than $30,000 of Poppel's money, some of which went to herself, her husband and her son.

The judge also called for a criminal investigation that led to her arrest by the District Attorney's Office in August. She was accused of illegally paying herself $5,000 more than the $2,000 she was authorized to receive as Poppel's guardian.

"She attempted to claim at the outset of the case that it was all a misunderstanding and bookkeeping errors," District Attorney Bacon said. "This is criminal conduct."

Clampett 's lawyer, Todd Crafty, said Clampett had probably earned all the money she paid herself because of the amount of time she spent supervising Poppel's affairs.

"I think she just got in way over her head," Crafty said. "If she was really trying to have a larcenous intent, she would have taken a lot more."

Clampett is now working two jobs, at a hospital and a nursing home, to pay back the money she improperly spent, he said.

Crafty said he would ask that Clampett, who has no prior criminal record, be sentenced to community service. Third-degree grand larceny is a felony with a maximum seven-year prison sentence, but under her plea deal, Clampett faces a maximum six months in jail and probation.

In addition to her work as a guardian, Clampett formerly ran an organization called B.C. Clampett’s Supervised Visitation, which provided court-ordered monitoring services for noncustodial parents as they spent time with their children.

Clampett closed that business in late 2004 after she was seen on videotape apparently sleeping on the job while she was supposed to be monitoring a woman and her two children.


I didn't think that she was a very good choice. What do you think?

Signed, Regular Guy

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Important Things In Life!

When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.

He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.

Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if
the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the
table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the
empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you
to recognize that this jar represents your life.

The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and
your favorite passions --- and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life
would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.

The sand is everything else---the small stuff.

If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room
for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room
for the things that are important to you.

"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Spend time with your family and the ones you love.

There will always be time to clean the house and party it up elsewhere.

Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter!

Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee
represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's
always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Author Unknown

Signed, Regular Guy

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Clampett Family Cult

Just a little background on Cruella's family...

Let’s begin with the Cult Leader; Lucifer is Cruella’s father. He claims to be a devout Christian however; nothing could be further from the truth. He is a complete hypocrite who was under investigation by the State Police several years ago for a period of approximately six months. He was arrested and charged with indecent exposure and lewd conduct. He claimed that he was urinating on the side of the road. (You can draw your own conclusions as to what he was really doing.) He was able to plead the charge down to something lesser due to his age and his lack of an arrest record.

Next; Big Cruella is Cruella’s adoptive mother. Cruella’s biological mother is actually her aunt, (Big Cruella’s younger sister), who is a Paranoid Schizophrenic. Big Cruella; also a self proclaimed devout Christian was recently convicted of grand larceny and fraud for stealing from the elderly and disabled. Big Cruella’s biological parents were actually first cousins and the family/cult has quite a history of mental illness, mental retardation and incest.

Rumor has it; that Lucifer is Cruella’s biological father. The Clampett Compound as I understand it now, was a sort of flophouse for a wide variety of extended family rejects. Apparently there was always some unwanted, needy, dejected or even deranged cousin or aunt or uncle living there for Lucifer to prey on in addition to his own offspring of which there are four boys; Dolph, Dilbert, Dopey and Luke. In addition to Cruella, there is one sister Dizzie.

The only one to truly escape the control of Lucifer and BC (Big Cruella) is Luke and certainly not without scars. He is a good man, a true Christian and along with his wife Mary, they have denounced The Cult and have stood up for what’s right. They have given amazing support to me and my children. Luke grew up in the compound and after he married Mary they both lived there. They witnessed countless atrocities and finally escaped with their two children shortly after The Clampett Family/Cult’s facade began to crumble.

To Be Continued…

Signed, Regular Guy

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The System Fails Constantly!

Yes, "The System" did fail both my children and myself in several different areas, however I actually consider myself fortunate that it wasn't worse. I never lost custody of my children and there are many men that have. I have heard horror stories of good men completely alienated from their children for no good reason at all. "The System" is still heavily skewed in favor of the woman, in respect to who is granted physical custody and who has final decision making power.

I won that battle; and yes, the entire case from start to finish was handled by the same judge; and yes, there was a law guardian appointed for my children. There were also forensic evaluations done.One problem here is "Joint Custody". The entire Family Court System, from the Judge, to the Law Guardian to the Court appointed forensic evaluators, are all stuck on the belief that the children should have unrestricted access to both parents. If both parents truly have the children's' best interest at heart; that's wonderful, but far too often that is not the case and one parent or the other should be granted sole custody.

Another problem is that once your case is settled, you're really on your own. Even though my Order Of Custody And Visitation clearly states all of the requirements that my "ex" has to meet in order to maintain her visitation privileges and even though the Law Guardian was left on the case for a year after it was settled, I still get no help. I have sent numerous letters in regards to the requirements that are not being met and how my children's' safety and emotional well being are at risk; and the only response that I have gotten is "Well, if you want to change the visitation schedule, your going to have to take her back to court".

Signed, Regular Guy

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