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Monday, March 31, 2008

I Woke Up Ms. Sleepy!

As I stated in my last post, "Let's Talk About The Law Guardian" it has been extremely difficult to invoke any type of response from her office. Although my case has already been settled (Oh...the stories I have about getting to that point) Ms. Sleepy was left on the case for one year from the date of settlement,which is rapidly approaching. The allegations of sexual abuse against Snake did not come to light until months after the settlement.

According to my Order of Custody and Visitation, once Cruella secures suitable housing, which she did in January of this year, (thanks to our tax dollars) her bi-weekly Saturday and Sunday daytime visits graduate to Friday night to Sunday night full weekend visits and Snake lives in the house with her. With unsupervised, overnight visits for Cruella with the children lurking around the corner; I'm sure that you can only imagine my frustration.

This is the last letter that I wrote to Ms. Sleepy and "low and behold", I got a response!

Regular Guy

100 Anywhere Road

Mytown, New York 12345

(999) 867-5309

February 15, 2008

VIA FAX TO: (999) 999-999

Bertha B. Sleepy, Esq.

Dead End Street

Nowhereville, New York 11111

In re: Sam, Daisey and Princess

Dear Ms. Sleepy:

I must say that I am quite disappointed that I still have not heard back from your office regarding my most recent letter to you (dated 1/31/08). A copy of same is attached for your review. I am sure that you are very busy and I intend no disrespect, however my children’s welfare and safety are at risk. Please be advised of the following:

  • On Thursday night, 1/31/08 Snake was questioned by investigators Columbo and Caine.
  • Snake actually admitted to a portion of the allegations made against him by his sister Lilly.
  • The investigators believe that he would have admitted to more; however the interview was interrupted by a frantic phone call from Cruella instructing Snake to stop talking.
  • The next day an anonymous report was filed with CPS stating that Rocco “smokes crack in front of his daughter Lilly”. (a blatant lie)
  • As I’m sure that you are aware, CPS must investigate all reports. The CPS investigator handling this case is Eliza Tumee.
  • I spoke at length with Ms. Tumee about the background of my case and Rocco’s and expressed to her that I am 100 percent sure that this is yet another one of Cruella’s retaliatory, fraudulent reports.

Everyone that I have spoken to, both personally and professionally is in agreement with me in that my children should not be exposed to Snake at all and most certainly not overnight. I expect that as my children’s Law Guardian, you will be looking into all of this and help me to protect my children. Cruella is not a stable person and will stop at nothing to cover up the truth including exposing my children to an admitted sexual deviant and known drug abuser. If Cruella is to continue her visitation with the children, I need to see the proof that she is maintaining her therapy and medications as per the Court Order. This is my second request. Please forward to me immediately any and all written documentation from her doctor confirming her compliance with the Court Order. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.


Regular Guy

The short response: Cruella still has visitation but no "overnights" until all of this is resolved. Oh...and she's not allowed to leave the kids alone with Snake anymore either!

Signed, Regular Guy


  1. Thank goodness for small victories (although in protecting the children - even this small perceived victory is HUGE!). I can soooo relate to your nightmares in the family court system. So glad you're doing this blog.

  2. Thanks for the kind words Rachel. They are much appreciated!..... and yes kat... Crack IS Whack! lol


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